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Kokomo Campus

865 E 400 S Kokomo, IN 46902

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Saturdays | 5:30pm Sundays | 9:00 & 10:30am

Peru Campus

105 S Benton St, Peru, IN 46970

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Sundays | 8:15, 9:45 & 11:15AM


Summer at ALC - Be One of the Five

SPEAKER: Pastor Charlie Riley
July 27, 2024

Be One Of The Five
July 27, 2024

The Enemy’s Plan
Your Kids Are The Target

His Plan Is To Get To Their Heart Before You Do

The Enemy Is Targeting Them Younger And Faster Than Any Other Generation
We Must Race To The Heart of The Next Generation

We Must Get There First!
Younger – Faster – Better

Is There A Silver Bullet?

The Fuller Youth Institute
“The closest our research has come to that definitive silver bullet is this sticky finding: High school and college students who experience more intergenerational worship tend to have higher faith maturity.”

“The Fuller Youth Institute discusses this in-depth on their website and in their resources, but the main idea is that kids greatly benefit from having five adults other than their parents invested in their lives.”

“Five adults that know their story, understand their hearts, act as cheerleaders, and can be confidants. Kids who have that are more likely to feel a sense of belonging and adhere to the positive values parents want to instill. Turns out the research suggests, kids that have adults investing in them are more likely to keep their faith in late-adolescence and early adulthood.”

“As a research team, we weren’t all that surprised that, of five major sources of support (adults in the congregation, parents, youth workers, friends in youth group and friends outside youth group), high school seniors ranked adults in the congregation last.”

Intergenerational Insight #1:
Involvement in all-church worship during high school is more consistently linked with mature faith in both high school and college than any other form of church participation.

Intergenerational Insight #2:
The more students serve and build relationships with younger children, the more likely it is that their faith will stick.

Intergenerational Insight #3:
High school seniors don’t feel supported by adults in their congregations.

Intergenerational Insight #4:
By far, the number-one way that churches made the teens in our survey feel welcomed and valued was when adults in the congregation showed interest in them.

Be One of the Five

8 Principles That Build Relationships That Last

1. Unconditional Love

Unconditional Love Means Choosing To Love Regardless of Circumstances

Unconditional Love Depends On The Giver’s Commitment,
Not The Qualification Or Response Of The Recipient

2. Scheduled Time

3. Focused Attention

4. Eye Contact

5. Ongoing Communication

6 Greatest Words:
I’m Sorry, Will You Forgive Me?

6. Meaningful Touch

“100” Touches Per Day
Focus on the Family
Dr. Clinton & Dr. Dobson

7. Having Fun Together

8. Prayer For and With Each Other